Wordpress Caching Explained Simply - How It Speeds Up Your Website

We can all agree that one of the most irritating things when browsing a website is slow loading times. This can be even more annoying on a slow mobile site, but that's a different video. A website that takes an age to load is not user friendly and can result in the end-user choosing one of your competitors over you, all based on something that has a surprisingly simple solution.

What WordPress Caching and how does it work?

Caching speeds up loading times by sending an already assembled data set from the server which is then stored in a data centre close to the end-user. It’s like sending someone a lego set that has already been assembled versus sending them all the parts to be assembled after it arrives. Obviously, this would take all the fun out of lego, but it makes for a much more user-friendly experience when applied to a web page.

Layers of Caching - Like an Onion.

Caching happens in layers, on the server, in the data centre and in the computer itself, so when you update your website the caches need to be cleared so that the changes you make reach the end-user.

What can you do about a slow loading website?

Slow websites can lose potential clients and hurt your Google rankings, if you want to check the speed of your website you can visit Google Pagespeed Insights. If it's not performing as well as you would like, Contact us for a conversion audit and we can implement a caching system for your website.
