Show Google Your Whole Website With XML Sitemaps

Your website needs to have two maps: one is called an HTML sitemap and the other is an XML sitemap. This is especially important if your website is new, if your site is large or has lots of media content.

What HTML and XML sitemaps are and why you need them

An HTML sitemap summarizes the structure of your website. It also includes all the links to the different important pages on your site. This map helps users find a page on your website and enables them to navigate your site more easily.

An XML sitemap on the other hand shows search engines all the different pages of your website. Think of your website as a house. The XML sitemap is your blueprint for your house, showing all the different rooms and where they can be found.

The main difference between the two sitemaps is HTML sitemaps are created for user navigation, which adds to a great experience for your visitors. XML sitemaps are written for search engines which helps spiders find, crawl and index your web pages.

How to maximize your HTML and XML sitemaps

First, you have to have an HTML sitemap on your website. Then, you should link your HTML sitemap to your XML sitemap so Google should be able to find on your sitemap page a link to the XML sitemap.

On top of this, you should also submit the XML sitemap address and submit it to Google in Google Search Console. Talk to your developer about this. If you need help about submitting your XML sitemap, we’d be happy to help you. Just email us at [email protected].