Check Your Website’s Mobile User Experience

Have you checked recently how your site is performing on mobile?

If you haven’t, get your phone and check. Is it fast, responsive? Is it easy to navigate? Can people quickly find the information they need? Is the font large enough to be read? Can the buttons be clicked easily?

If you want your site to rank, focus on the mobile experience.

Google has included mobile user experience as a ranking factor for some time, and it is now only indexing the mobile version of your website. 

That means to rank, it doesn’t matter how great your site is on desktop if it doesn’t provide the same experience for users on mobile.

How can I make my site mobile-friendly? Here are some tips.

  • Keep your design simple 

    Aside from making users feel confused on where to go or what to click, complicated web designs will also drag down your site’s mobile speed. So keep it clean and simple.

  • Do what you can to speed up your load time

    Nothing turns people off more than a slow-loading page. Improve your site speed by optimising images, compressing your CSS, upgrading your hosting & caching systems and optimising your site for the Core Web Vital scores that Google now track. 

  • Think small screen

    Your site should be able to look more or less the same and provide the same information whether the user is accessing it using a desktop or mobile. It should respond accordingly regardless of the size of the screen it’s viewed on. 

Use Google Analytics to help improve your mobile experience.

But before you put a lot of resources into making your site mobile-friendly, the next thing you should look into is your Google Analytics. 

This is so you can find out how much of your traffic is coming from mobile devices. Most industries nowadays get more than half of their traffic from mobile. However, visitors from desktop are still predominant for other industries. There is no doubt though that even those industries will get more mobile searches sooner or later.

Check user behaviour on your website.

Google Analytics should also tell you how users find you, what they are looking for after arriving to your site, and how they are interacting with your website. You can also use heat mapping tools to get more user behaviour data, but remember to disable it after you run a test, it will slow down your website.

All this information can help guide you on what changes and improvements you can do (or things you can remove) to make your site perform better.

If you need help in improving your site on mobile, request a performance review of your website at We will look at improving a range of aspects of your sites performance, including mobile experience.